We support your capital project through all stages of the lifecycle
For our Manufacturing clients making the best informed CapEx decisions; optimising OpEx; and providing value across the whole life of assets are all fundamental to success. Customer requirements and demand levels are highly dynamic, requiring approaches to deliver high resiliency and adaptability at minimal CapEx and OpEx cost.
Indicatura provides support through all stages of the capital investment lifecycle, to identify and evaluate the most valuable and sustainable options

During this early phase in the lifecycle we help manufacturing leaders to challenge traditional requirements and consider a wider range of options. Why are you building what you are about to build – will it meet your future requirements, bearing in mind those requirements carry a level of uncertainty? By considering future uncertainties such as customer demand and input costs in addition to manufacturing performance we help you validate your plans or provide options better suited to future needs; more adaptable to the future and more resilient to shifts in your markets.

By considering all contributing factors that define the success of an investment and agreeing a framework to define their relative importance, we not only expand the range of options available, but help our clients make valid comparisons between each. Every element of the project is assessed not only for initial CapEx, but all lifecycle costs; adaptability to changing demand; performance and reliability; risk and consequence of disruption or failure; and carbon impact. By doing so, our clients typically consider a wider range of options, presented in a digestible format, giving confidence that they are deliverable and aligned to core business objectives.

Indicatura supports the operational phase of the asset lifecycle by focussing on value at a strategic, tactical, and operational level.
We provide tools and expertise to maintain continuity between deployment and operations, ensuring that operations and maintenance is aligned to the design principles and design delivered. Through our team we offer challenge to existing ways of working to drive improvements in holistic system performance and provide assurance – where required, to industry standards.

You have concerns that investing in one area won’t achieve the desired outcome against a multi-faceted problem.
You have a complicated set of requirements but a standard approach to design. What if the outcome is more complex than needed and therefore wasteful?

The old way is the best way… or should you be redefining ‘best practice’?
You have some options, but can you be confident that the one you select is the right one?

Have you considered all eventualities in your design? What about future unknowns?
The supply chain response to your ITT/ITB has a wealth of quantitative and qualitative information, but can you evaluate the impact of future uncertainty?

Now that investment has driven changes into the facility is your maintenance plan still optimal?
Do you have conviction that your investment will deliver on projections?