We are trusted defence partners, supporting large capital projects through all stages of the lifecycle
For our Defence clients, every stage in the lifecycle is critical.
With increasing strain on aging assets and long periods of tightened budgets, the sector is seeking innovative ways of creating value. At Indicatura we support decision making and implementation across all stages of the cycle – engaging at every level to identify value and provide rigor, challenge, and support. The result: delivery of assets better able to meet operational requirements.

During this phase of a capital project we help leaders in the Defence Industry to challenge traditional requirements and consider a wider range of options. What are the drivers for your project? Will the capability meet your organisations future requirements or even wider requirements and demands, bearing in mind those requirements carry a level of uncertainty? We help leaders in the sector work within the cost restrictions they face to maximise performance and minimise risk whilst meeting internal timetables and external pressures.

The deployment of a capital project can be one of the most challenging phases for many of our clients. We understand the constantly shifting landscape within the defence industry and the importance of flexible optioneering. We calibrate all your options, even with ever changing parameters, and align these to your projects strategic intent to maximise the likelihood of long term success despite that changing landscape.

Indicatura supports the in-service phase of the asset lifecycle by focussing on ongoing value at a strategic, tactical, and operational level. We provide tools and expertise to maintain continuity between deployment and operations, ensuring that operations and maintenance is aligned to the design principles and design delivered. Through our team we offer challenge to existing ways of working to drive improvements in holistic system performance and provide assurance – where required, to industry standards.

You have concerns that investing in one area won’t achieve the desired outcome against a multi-faceted problem.
You have a complicated set of requirements but a standard approach to design. What if the outcome is more complex than needed and therefore wasteful?

The old way is the best way … or should you be redefining ‘best practice’?
You have some options, but can you be confident that the one you select is the right one?

Have you considered all eventualities in your design? What about future unknowns?
The supply chain response to your ITT/ITB has a wealth of quantitative and qualitative information, but can you evaluate the impact of future uncertainty?

Now that investment has driven changes into the facility, is your maintenance plan still optimal?
Do you have conviction that your investment will deliver on your promises?