Are you about to throw away up to half of your CapEx investment?
In this guide, we cover the fundamental issues that business leaders like you face when making large, complex capital investments in physical assets and provide practical steps that you can take today to tackle them.
- Typically, physical asset investments perform poorly over their lives
- Investment decisions put too much focus on upfront capital but only use unchallenged estimates for through life costs
- Estimates and flawed assumptions cloud the true business impact of the capital investment
We help you to remove the uncertainty, expose flawed assumptions and feel assured that your decision is the right one.
What business leaders are saying about it
“Interesting read. A lot of valid concerns raised that normally fall into the ‘too difficult’ box.”
“A clearer articulation of the challenge decision-makers face in complex projects than I’ve seen before – I liked the reference to the Harvard Business Review; that assumptions and uncertainty have been on the agenda, but remain unresolved, since the 70s!”
“A refreshingly honest and timely critique of something we are collectively failing at.”